Tuesday, August 21, 2012



So all my life I have pretty much lived with 4 older brothers and Gregory who is technically my little brother but We are 11 months apart so he doesn't count. Now I'm in a house with four younger siblings. Also, all o you whom know me in the slightest know that I do not like kids very much. Considering they are loud, dont listen and are just genuinely irritating. Living with four younger siblings hasn't really taught me anything i didn't know about myself. I know I lack patience, thank you dad :p, and I know that logic and children do not go hand in hand. The only thing living with a 5, 11, 12 and 16 year old has done for me is highlighted how the worlds best birth control is children! And of people spent more time with kids before they had them we wouldn't have a massive over population issue that we have currently. my little sister is completely out of control and runs the house here. She gets away with it all and does not understand boundaries in the slightest. Comes in and out of my room, takes my things and when ever she doesn't get her way she cries. She cries ALL of the time. Over half of the day I try to not shake a baby. My brothers are malty manageable the older one is cool the younger sometimes just repeats everything I say which is beyond annoying. And my sister i don't consider younger because we are so close in age. To be honest the major issue I have in this house is dealing with the little girl with out her in the house it would make this experience a lot less painful.

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