Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Today was the day of folklore in Paraguay! Yet another day of celebration, dancing and rich with tradition. The more time I spend here the more culture and history this country has along with the complete need to have an excuse to have a party. I have learned more about the oppressive history of how for many many years they were under and cruel dictatorship and were forced to keep silent and uniform. This explains many things like how everyone here gossips. Because in the days when nothing could be said publicly it just went ear to ear. And also they need to party, dance and have fun is from the days when the oppression ended and they celebrate every moment of freedom. They also celebrate to remember that they were once not free and that they should never forget where they come from. This also explains the extreme importance of Guarani because it is specific to only Paraguay.
The more I understand the more I give props to this country as well. These people have VERY little. Just enough to survive. But they love this country. There is no disrespect towards the government or other people it is simply them not finding a negative in this country. I love the positivity of the people yet I also despise it. The drastic positivity stops improvement in the area. People don't see the bad or if they do the completely write it off. If there were more of a balance they would have a lot more of a country to talk positively about.
In today's celebration they danced and dressed up in traditional clothing. Along with hours of Paraguayan music, which all sounds completely the same in my opinion! We also drank gallons of Terere. Along with having to endure listening to the students trying to sing the national songs that almost no one knew, it is no wonder there are no famous singers from Paraguay!
I also witnesses a chicken murder. Which was very unexpected one moment they were holding it and playing with it. Next moment there was a big pop and there was a dead chicken. Then they plucked its feathers and stuck it in boiling water and that's what we ate for lunch... New meaning of the word fresh.... The pictures below are of the traditional dances, people singing and just me and my friends :)

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