Thursday, September 27, 2012

average day

that is my house above is a basically considered a mansion in paraguayan standereds and in usa standards its still really big! here it is almost unheard of to have a two story home which makes sense beacuse i live on the second level and when it is hot you just want to die!

Average day in Paraguay:
Ok so i have been requested to give an average day in Paraguay along with what we do with our spare time and the type of work people do. So I will describe my day today I am extremely sorry if I bore any of my readers to tears.
                Today I woke up at about six o´clock in the morning to the, what feels like, bitter cold. Of about 10C degrees which is 50F. it is quite a different type of cold when it is humid and you have been roasting in the sun. Once I dragged myself from bed I got dressed in my outrageous catholic school uniform and walked to Route 2. Once I arrive at route two I take basically any bus that is not 52 for about ten minutes then arrive at school. Once the four hours of complete slacking off and talking end I head to the cyber cafĂ© some days or to the gym which I just join across the street. Today is thursday which has become my favorite day of the week because at 2pm I head to the park to meet up with the other AFS students and get a pill of sanity.
                The type of work that my family does is nothing too exciting. My father is a person that climbs on telephone poles and fixes the boxes and wires up there. And my sister works in a calling center but she aspires to work in marketing. My mother and other sister are both in private college. My mother is studying nutrition which I find really ironic considering the amount of salt and bread my family eats. My sister studies history and wants to become a teacher which is also ironic because she seems to hate kids, one of the qualities  we have in common.
                For fun here teens go to clubs and parties it is the normal social outing yet my family disapproves. Also kids just go to the malls or parks to drink Terere or even to the movies it is a lot like the USA when fun is involved in the sense that it all involves money.

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