Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Semana Santa

Well this week is Semaña Santa (all saints week) which is a big deal here in Paraguay. In most schools it was worth of a week off. The week was just normal as any other up until last night. The very religious people did the Stations of the Cross which were set up by most of the neighbors on the corner of each street, each station included two lit candles. The group of people all carried candles and as they walked sang a song. Each time they reached a station they would say a prayer, kneel, then be on their way to the next station. I do recall the stations of the crosses back in USA where they walk around the church; however I think the Paraguayan way wins considering you have the people personally involved and you get some exercise. It also pulls together the men, women and children.

The group completing the stations

our station

my little cousin Miha walking the stations with my grandmother

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