Tuesday, December 11, 2012


In general my perspective on Paraguay is that most things in America sort of kick its butt. However, this past week one of the average American traditions got shattered on the Paraguay version. I went to my sister Naila´s high school graduation and WOW! Only reaction that I had when I entered that room; I expected this graduation to be mostly the same as the American style, calling names handing diplomas, obviously a slight difference considering the class size was about thirty five students, but in general the same. I was proved drastically wrong.
                On thee day of the event at 3:00PM my host mom, three sisters and I all went to the salon. This included four hours of being poked and prodded while getting our hair, nails, and make up done. Then we returned to the house and got dressed. I expected my graduating sister to use her school uniform, nice dress or a graduation gown. However, she wore a very fancy white dress because that is what all the graduating girls wear. We soon after arrived as this venue the only way it can be described as is flawless.
                The actual ceremony aspect of it all was very different as well. Instead of just reading off the names or having students speak. They had four teachers up at the microphones they would call two or three people at a time and tell them why they enjoyed them as a student and as a person. Therefore making the whole thing much more personal and the students did not receive any type of diploma.
                Also, unlike American graduations the Paraguayans know how to celebrate. There was a live band, DJ, disco balls and a big dance floor. We left ¨early¨ according to Paraguay time at about 3:30 AM.
                The one thing that this graduation made me realize is how I am going to miss out on my own. Though it is not such a big deal because I am not super close with really anyone back at school in Denver it is just weird that once I am done with high school there will be nothing official to mark that date or remember it by. It also made me realize, though I already knew it, I will be missing prom. Which kind of sucks because let’s be honest what girl does not want to go to her prom during high school? Not too many and I am not an exception to that.
My family looking very classy for this event :)
One of the extremly pretty tables.
All the graduating girls looking like princesses.
Graduating class
They get a little goofy after 3AM.

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