This blogging
process i am trying to make it so it is a getaway for me but currently i am
simply dragging myself to write every so often. I just feel like I am not doing
anything with myself here therefore is nothing to update the world on but I
guess why not talk about the very large part of Paraguayan culture which is
religion. The major religion here, as it is in most of the world, is catholic.
Also, like the other parts of the world the Paraguayans pick and choose the
parts that they want to follow and the parts that are ¨less¨ important. I have
always found it humorous how people that follow Catholicism and Christianity
are so selective. It is like making a sub sandwich and selecting which rules,
or toppings, you like and fit with your life style and the other ones that
would make it more difficult to eat like jalapenos. Though my whole life I have
seen the controversy of what is ¨correct¨ in the bible, but then seeing the
reality of the situation and opinions of Christians makes me laugh how
selective religion truly is. For example I have met people in my own family,
people with Westboro Baptist church (for more information visit
not that I think you need more information about their options than their URL),
and politics on topics of abortion, gay rights, and many other controversial topics
that are ¨wrong and against the bible¨ when I laugh and say ok you people want
to stick to your guns on this you have to stick to your guns on it all with the
rules like so below:
Leviticus 19:27 Do not cut or shave your hair.
17:2-7 kill anyone with a different religion.
Leviticus 20:27 Wizards,
Psychics ect must be stoned to death.
11:9-12 Don't eat shrimp.
Leviticus 19:19 Don't let
cattle graze with other kinds of cattle.
Deuteronomy 13:6-10 If
anyone, even your own family suggests worshipping another God, kill them.
Deuteronomy 13:12-15 if you find out
a city worships a different god, destroy the city and kill all of its
inhabitants... even the animals.
Leviticus 21:17-18 People who have
flat noses, or are blind or lame, cannot come to an altar of God.
Leviticus 20:9 If you curseth your mom or dad, You. Must. Die.
Leviticus 19:19 Don't wear clothes made of more than one fabric.
Leviticus 19:19 Don't have a variety
of crops in a field.
Other things many
people follow and do not follow is that being gay is wrong and should not be
supported, abortion is murder, and pre marital sex is immortal sin. Many times
these things are broken or are not supported.
Let’s be honest people, after seeing that we are all
going to hell. But, anyway I got off on a rant of the hypocrisy of religion.
BUT! I just wanted to give a sum of what I have seen in the USA and now what I
am seeing here. One of things that most Paraguayans ignore from the bible is
the pre marital sex part. Sex here is a walk in the park for many of the men
and women here. People here have sex at age twelve here and that is completely
normal. Once a women turns fifteen (the mark of women hood in Latin cultures)
if she stays a virgin for much longer the people mark her as one and it is made
fun of.
for me that is so crazy, that it is considered so normal. My class mate just
turned eighteen and she is seven months pregnant. I went to her baby shower the
other day with my class mates. It was such a weird thing because in the United
States when an eighteen year old is pregnant we do not celebrate it; it is
normally a huge tragedy. As I had to endure this shower of these girls being so
excited for my class mate I was semi repulsed by how people could be so happy
that this girl’s potential had ended. She has no chance to study more or become
her own person she is stuck with a child. Yes this opinion is very biased
considering I do not like children a huge amount either, but especially because
I know for a fact she will just become a house wife serving her husband and
taking care of this child and people were just totally fine with the situation.
classmate was so happy about this all and it truly made me realize the way the
culture has affected her to make her somewhat look forward to a life where the
women do not have education and belong in the kitchen. It makes me so sad to see
all of my friends here believe that the men are superior and that the women’s
job is to pop out kids and worship the men. It makes me truly depressed to
think that most of these girls will never get to see a society that completely
respects women and their potential. Also, a place where you can walk and not be
yelled at on every corner by disgusting men, on how you look. It makes me
almost psychically ill now when guys hoot at me and my friends, because it
happens like every second of my existence here.
my class mates at the baby shower |
my pregnant class mate that is 18. |